Croote, D., Quake, S.R. Food allergen detection by mass spectrometry: the role of systems biology. npj Syst Biol Appl. 2016 Sep 29; 2:16022.
Species containing the peptide DATNVGDEGGFAPNILENNEALELLK are presented below. Accessions and taxid values link to further information hosted on NCBI.
Species name | Common name | Accession(s) | Tax ID |
Acinonyx jubatus | Cheetah | XP_014924940 |
32536 |
Ailuropoda melanoleuca | Giant panda | XP_011235326 XP_011235325 |
9646 |
Anolis carolinensis | Green anole | XP_008123931 |
28377 |
Aotus nancymaae | Ma's night monkey | XP_003931416 |
37293 |
Astyanax mexicanus | Mexican tetra | XP_007234192 |
7994 |
Austrofundulus limnaeus | Austrofundulus limnaeus | XP_013855262 |
52670 |
Balaenoptera acutorostrata scammoni | Balaenoptera acutorostrata scammoni | XP_007166570 |
310752 |
Bison bison bison | Bison | NP_001029874 XP_005968001 |
43346 |
Bos mutus | Wild yak | XP_005906133 NP_001029874 XP_005968001 |
72004 |
Bos taurus | Cattle | NP_001029874 XP_005968001 |
9913 |
Bubalus bubalis | Water buffalo | XP_006060127 XP_006060126 |
89462 |
Callithrix jacchus | White-tufted-ear marmoset | XP_017828091 |
9483 |
Camelus bactrianus | Bactrian camel | XP_010957191 XP_010957190 |
9837 |
Camelus dromedarius | Arabian camel | XP_010996826 |
9838 |
Camelus ferus | Wild bactrian camel | XP_014411227 EQB77867 XP_006180617 XP_014411224 |
419612 |
Canis lupus familiaris | Dog | XP_005619976 XP_536606 |
9615 |
Capra hircus | Goat | XP_005693512 XP_005693511 |
9925 |
Carlito syrichta | Philippine tarsier | XP_008064120 XP_008064118 |
1868482 |
Cavia porcellus | Domestic guinea pig | XP_003466342 |
10141 |
Cebus capucinus imitator | Cebus capucinus imitator | XP_017352345 XP_017389546 |
1737458 |
Ceratotherium simum simum | Southern white rhinoceros | XP_004433267 XP_004433268 |
73337 |
Cercocebus atys | Sooty mangabey | XP_005582675 XP_005582674 |
9531 |
Chiloscyllium punctatum | Brownbanded bambooshark | AAG16309 |
137246 |
Chinchilla lanigera | Long-tailed chinchilla | XP_005399679 |
34839 |
Chlorocebus sabaeus | Green monkey | XP_008008173 XP_008008172 |
60711 |
Chrysochloris asiatica | Cape golden mole | XP_006863375 XP_006863374 XP_006863373 |
185453 |
Clupea harengus | Atlantic herring | XP_012690312 |
7950 |
Colobus angolensis palliatus | Colobus angolensis palliatus | XP_011815940 XP_011799740 XP_011799738 XP_011799737 |
336983 |
Condylura cristata | Star-nosed mole | XP_004684784 |
143302 |
Cricetulus griseus | Chinese hamster | EGV93943 XP_016820407 XP_005067533 XP_007625118 ERE69329 XP_007625117 XP_003497253 |
10029 |
Cynoglossus semilaevis | Tongue sole | XP_008323814 XP_016893537 |
244447 |
Cyprinodon variegatus | Cyprinodon variegatus | XP_015257043 |
28743 |
Cyprinus carpio | Common carp | ABK35076 KTF80852 KTF93862 |
7962 |
Danio rerio | Zebrafish | AAI07495 AAH92869 NP_999888 |
7955 |
Dasypus novemcinctus | Nine-banded armadillo | XP_012379344 XP_004447280 |
9361 |
Dipodomys ordii | Ord's kangaroo rat | XP_012868589 |
10020 |
Echinops telfairi | Small madagascar hedgehog | XP_004716193 XP_004716192 XP_012863643 XP_004716191 |
9371 |
Elephantulus edwardii | Cape elephant shrew | XP_006903349 XP_006903348 |
28737 |
Epinephelus bruneus | Longtooth grouper | AEB31337 |
323802 |
Epinephelus coioides | Orange-spotted grouper | ADG29136 |
94232 |
Eptesicus fuscus | Big brown bat | XP_008154942 XP_008154941 XP_008154940 |
29078 |
Equus asinus | Ass | NP_001254531 XP_014688104 |
9793 |
Equus caballus | Horse | NP_001254531 XP_005597080 |
9796 |
Equus przewalskii | Equus przewalskii | NP_001254531 XP_005597080 |
9798 |
Erinaceus europaeus | Western european hedgehog | XP_007521424 XP_007521410 XP_016043417 |
9365 |
Falco peregrinus | Peregrine falcon | XP_013160963 |
8954 |
Felis catus | Domestic cat | XP_003996194 |
9685 |
Fukomys damarensis | Fukomys damarensis | XP_010604103 KFO22927 XP_010604102 |
885580 |
Fundulus heteroclitus | Mummichog | XP_012715924 |
8078 |
Galeopterus variegatus | Sunda flying lemur | XP_008568320 |
482537 |
Gekko japonicus | Gekko japonicus | XP_015283382 |
146911 |
Gorilla gorilla gorilla | Western lowland gorilla | XP_004058400 XP_004058398 |
9595 |
Haplochromis burtoni | Burton's mouthbrooder | XP_004573823 |
8153 |
Heterocephalus glaber | Naked mole-rat | XP_004857366 EHB13553 XP_004857365 |
10181 |
Homo sapiens | Human | BAG62358 EAW90376 XP_012356880 NP_001180432 BAG62348 CAA36216 NP_001967 CAA34513 2XSX_A XP_005256578 |
9606 |
Ictalurus furcatus | Blue catfish | ADO27862 |
66913 |
Ictalurus punctatus | Channel catfish | XP_017342107 XP_017315699 XP_017315698 |
7998 |
Ictidomys tridecemlineatus | Thirteen-lined ground squirrel | XP_005337414 |
43179 |
Jaculus jaculus | Lesser egyptian jerboa | XP_004666961 XP_004660314 XP_004666960 XP_004660313 |
51337 |
Larimichthys crocea | Large yellow croaker | XP_010752198 |
215358 |
Latimeria chalumnae | Coelacanth | XP_005999872 |
7897 |
Lepidosiren paradoxa | South american lungfish | AAG16306 |
7883 |
Lepidothrix coronata | Lepidothrix coronata | XP_017695044 |
321398 |
Lepisosteus oculatus | Spotted gar | XP_006627414 |
7918 |
Leptonychotes weddellii | Weddell seal | XP_006743199 XP_006743197 |
9713 |
Lipotes vexillifer | Yangtze river dolphin | XP_007457761 XP_007457758 |
118797 |
Loxodonta africana | African savanna elephant | XP_010594838 XP_010594837 XP_003416918 |
9785 |
Macaca fascicularis | Crab-eating macaque | XP_005582675 XP_005582674 |
9541 |
Macaca mulatta | Rhesus monkey | XP_005582675 XP_005582674 |
9544 |
Macaca nemestrina | Pig-tailed macaque | XP_011727302 |
9545 |
Manacus vitellinus | Golden-collared manakin | KFW74359 |
328815 |
Mandrillus leucophaeus | Drill | XP_011850099 XP_011850097 XP_011850096 |
9568 |
Manis javanica | Malayan pangolin | XP_017513030 XP_017513029 |
9974 |
Marmota marmota marmota | Alpine marmot | XP_005337414 |
9994 |
Maylandia zebra | Zebra mbuna | XP_004573823 |
106582 |
Mesocricetus auratus | Golden hamster | XP_005067533 XP_012966884 |
10036 |
Microcebus murinus | Gray mouse lemur | XP_012634871 |
30608 |
Microtus ochrogaster | Prairie vole | XP_005067533 |
79684 |
Miniopterus natalensis | Miniopterus natalensis | XP_016056410 XP_016056409 |
291302 |
Monodelphis domestica | Gray short-tailed opossum | XP_007483316 XP_001366144 |
13616 |
Mus musculus | House mouse | AAA37554 CAJ18401 NP_031959 EDL12600 XP_006532224 |
10090 |
Mustela putorius furo | Domestic ferret | XP_004760509 XP_004760508 |
9669 |
Myotis brandtii | Brandt's bat | EPQ17868 XP_005882629 XP_005882628 |
109478 |
Myotis davidii | Myotis davidii | ELK24080 XP_006771957 XP_006771956 |
225400 |
Myotis lucifugus | Little brown bat | XP_005882629 XP_005882628 |
59463 |
Nannospalax galili | Upper galilee mountains blind mole rat | XP_008854145 XP_017650507 |
1026970 |
Neoceratodus forsteri | Australian lungfish | AAG16307 |
7892 |
Neolamprologus brichardi | Neolamprologus brichardi | XP_006808438 |
32507 |
Neotoma lepida | Desert woodrat | OBS78532 |
56216 |
Nomascus leucogenys | Northern white-cheeked gibbon | XP_012356880 |
61853 |
Nothobranchius furzeri | Turquoise killifish | XP_015797013 |
105023 |
Ochotona princeps | American pika | XP_004594914 XP_004594912 |
9978 |
Octodon degus | Degu | XP_004638389 XP_004638388 XP_004638386 |
10160 |
Odobenus rosmarus divergens | Pacific walrus | XP_004398640 XP_004398638 XP_004398639 |
9708 |
Oncorhynchus mykiss | Rainbow trout | CDR18807 CDQ96278 |
8022 |
Orcinus orca | Killer whale | XP_004267024 XP_004267019 |
9733 |
Oreochromis niloticus | Nile tilapia | XP_003451163 |
8128 |
Ornithorhynchus anatinus | Platypus | XP_001510744 |
9258 |
Orycteropus afer afer | Orycteropus afer afer | XP_007935725 XP_007935723 |
1230840 |
Oryctolagus cuniculus | Rabbit | NP_001075554 |
9986 |
Oryzias latipes | Japanese medaka | XP_004085855 |
8090 |
Osmerus mordax | Rainbow smelt | ACO09283 |
8014 |
Otolemur garnettii | Small-eared galago | XP_003791263 XP_003791260 |
30611 |
Ovis aries | Sheep | AAF60279 XP_005693512 XP_005693511 |
9940 |
Ovis aries musimon | Mouflon | XP_005693512 XP_005693511 |
9938 |
Pan paniscus | Pygmy chimpanzee | NP_001967 XP_005256578 |
9597 |
Pan troglodytes | Chimpanzee | NP_001967 XP_005256578 |
9598 |
Panthera tigris altaica | Amur tiger | XP_003996194 |
74533 |
Pantholops hodgsonii | Chiru | XP_005906133 NP_001029874 XP_005968001 |
59538 |
Papio anubis | Olive baboon | XP_005582675 |
9555 |
Pelodiscus sinensis | Chinese soft-shelled turtle | XP_006114707 |
13735 |
Peromyscus maniculatus bairdii | Prairie deer mouse | XP_006994179 |
230844 |
Physeter catodon | Sperm whale | XP_007109241 XP_007109240 |
9755 |
Poecilia formosa | Amazon molly | XP_007540829 |
48698 |
Poecilia latipinna | Sailfin molly | XP_007540829 |
48699 |
Poecilia mexicana | Poecilia mexicana | XP_007540829 |
48701 |
Poecilia reticulata | Guppy | XP_008401366 |
8081 |
Polypterus senegalus | Gray bichir | ABF60010 |
55291 |
Pongo abelii | Sumatran orangutan | XP_003778767 |
9601 |
Propithecus coquereli | Coquerel's sifaka | XP_012515353 XP_012515350 |
379532 |
Protobothrops mucrosquamatus | Protobothrops mucrosquamatus | XP_015668676 |
103944 |
Pteropus alecto | Black flying fox | ELK03759 XP_006922310 |
9402 |
Pteropus vampyrus | Large flying fox | XP_011358030 XP_011358029 XP_011358026 |
132908 |
Pundamilia nyererei | Pundamilia nyererei | XP_005754920 |
303518 |
Pygocentrus nattereri | Red-bellied piranha | XP_017544673 XP_017558414 |
42514 |
Python bivittatus | Burmese python | XP_007441409 |
176946 |
Rattus norvegicus | Norway rat | CAA68788 NP_037081 |
10116 |
Rhinopithecus bieti | Black snub-nosed monkey | XP_017721380 |
61621 |
Rhinopithecus roxellana | Golden snub-nosed monkey | XP_010362506 XP_010366349 |
61622 |
Rousettus aegyptiacus | Egyptian rousette | XP_015997486 XP_015997485 |
9407 |
Saimiri boliviensis boliviensis | Bolivian squirrel monkey | XP_010340294 XP_003931416 |
39432 |
Salmo salar | Atlantic salmon | NP_001133193 NP_001135172 |
8030 |
Salmo trutta | Brown trout | AAG16311 |
8032 |
Sarcophilus harrisii | Tasmanian devil | XP_003768849 |
9305 |
Scleropages formosus | Asian bonytongue | KPP59516 |
113540 |
Sinocyclocheilus anshuiensis | Sinocyclocheilus anshuiensis | XP_016305632 XP_016349795 |
1608454 |
Sinocyclocheilus grahami | Sinocyclocheilus grahami | XP_016115877 |
75366 |
Sinocyclocheilus rhinocerous | Sinocyclocheilus rhinocerous | XP_016429767 XP_016405077 |
307959 |
Sorex araneus | European shrew | XP_004604992 XP_004604991 XP_004604990 |
42254 |
Sparus aurata | Gilthead seabream | AAO92646 |
8175 |
Stegastes partitus | Bicolor damselfish | XP_008298547 |
144197 |
Sus scrofa | Pig | XP_005669211 NP_001037992 XP_005669210 |
9823 |
Takifugu rubripes | Torafugu | XP_011615132 |
31033 |
Tetraodon nigroviridis | Spotted green pufferfish | CAF89801 |
99883 |
Thamnophis sirtalis | Thamnophis sirtalis | XP_013931090 |
35019 |
Tupaia chinensis | Chinese tree shrew | ELW63656 XP_006151928 |
246437 |
Tursiops truncatus | Bottlenosed dolphin | XP_004319553 XP_004319547 |
9739 |
Typhlonectes natans | Rio cauca caecilian | ABF60011 |
8456 |
Ursus maritimus | Polar bear | XP_008686158 |
29073 |
Vicugna pacos | Alpaca | XP_006217636 XP_015106124 |
30538 |
Xenopus (Silurana) tropicalis | Western clawed frog | NP_001027497 |
8364 |
Xenopus laevis | African clawed frog | OCT90895 NP_001080346 |
8355 |
Xiphophorus maculatus | Southern platyfish | XP_005816431 |
8083 |
BLAST non-redundant protein database version: 4, date: December 9, 2015.
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