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Croote, D., Quake, S.R. Food allergen detection by mass spectrometry: the role of systems biology. npj Syst Biol Appl. 2016 Sep 29; 2:16022.

Allergen Targets



Tree nuts



Food Matrix


Application of a liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry method for the simultaneous detection of seven allergenic foods in flour and bread and comparison of the method with commercially available ELISA test kits.

Heick J., Fischer M., Kerbach S., Tamm U., Popping B.

Journal of AOAC International (2011), 94, 4, 1060--8 DOI:


To protect the allergic consumer, analytical methods need to be capable of detecting allergens in finished products that typically contain multiple allergens. An LC/MS/MS method for simultaneous detection of seven allergens was developed and compared with commercially available ELISA kits. The detection capabilities of this novel method were demonstrated by analyzing incurred material containing milk, egg, soy, peanut, hazelnut, walnut, and almond. Bread was chosen as a model matrix. To assess the influence of baking on the method's performance, analysis was done before and after baking. The same samples were analyzed with ELISA test kits from ELISA Systems, Morinaga, Neogen, and r-Biopharm. Peanut, hazelnut, walnut, and almond could be detected with both ELISA and LC/MS/MS regardless of whether the product was baked or not. LC/MS/MS clearly showed superior detection of milk in processed matrixes compared to ELISA, which exhibited significantly lower sensitivities when analyzing the baked products. Similar results were obtained when analyzing egg; however, one kit was capable of detecting egg in the processed samples as well.